William Rolleston

William Rolleston

William is co-founder of Timaru based biotech and vaccine manufacturing company South Pacific Sera Limited which grew out of a diversification of his family’s farming business on Blue Cliffs Station.

William has advocated for science, industry and agriculture and has held leadership, advocacy and advisory role across biotechnology, agriculture, science and economic development.

He is currently the Chair of the national genomics and bioinformatics platform, Genomics Aotearoa, hosted by the University of Otago; Pillar Lead (Manufacturing) of the national RNA Platform; and a member of both the Government’s Genetic Technologies and Science System Advisory Groups.

William has a degree in medicine, was awarded the Distinguished Biotechnologist of the Year for services to the biotechnology industry in 2009, inducted into the Biotech Hall of Fame in 2023 and was appointed a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2017 for services to farming.

William Rolleston

William Rolleston

Co-Founder, South Pacific Sera Limited

John McIntyre

John McIntyre

Principal, Athfield Architects

Robert Veale

Robert Veale

Corporate Development Manager, Aroa Biosurgery

Tākina Convention & Exhibition Centre